It doesn't matter if it's the UFC, HBO Boxing or Olympic Boxing, there is a clear problem that is happening universally with the way that judges are scoring fights. Today in the Olympics, I watched two matches and just walked away shaking my head at the decision; not because who I wanted to win lost (I had no idea who any of these fighters were) but because to the TV viewer it was so painfully obvious who won the fight, only to see the judges give it to the other guy. Did anyone catch the NBC announcer who said "This is why boxing has become a joke". Imagine the fighters and what they go through for a minute. The training camps, the injuries, the time and commitment, the life style that they have to live, only to see their dreams destroyed by poor some judging & refereeing. What exactly they are looking at and how they are scoring it is just mind blowing to me, and it's a shame that Olympic Boxing is prone to this as well. It's just sad.......
****Follow Up****
The boxing referee in one of the above mentioned bouts was just expelled from the Olympic Games and sent home. The fight was overturned on appeal and the Japanese boxer was awarded the bout. That's great and some justice has been served, but at the end of the day his initial Olympic moment was taken from him by some biased referee.
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